Wah Yan Medical Information on COVID-19 Support Scheme 2022
Dear Alumni and Wahyanites,
The Past Students’ Associations of WYHK and WYK, in collaboration with both schools and the schools’ Parent-Teacher / Parents’ Associations, are launching the Wah Yan Medical Information on COVID-19 Support Scheme, under which a group of Wah Yan (Hong Kong and Kowloon) alumni medical practitioners will endeavour to provide general medical advice to members of our Wah Yan community on COVID-19.
The scope of medical advice offered will be general in nature, provided from the perspective of a generalist medical practitioner, and will be limited to aspects of prevention (esp. vaccination) and self-care for COVID-19 patients or close contacts. The medical advice is not meant to cover government policies and operations (e.g. quarantine period, quarantine arrangement).
If you are a COVID-19 patient / close contact or have COVID-19 related queries and would like to ask related question(s) under this scheme (such as vaccination), please contact the following representatives via *WhatsApp written or voice message*:
Zero Chan: 91859701
Michael Wong: 98302065
Andy Tang: 68512163
Depending on the number of questions received and the complexity of individual questions, our volunteer alumni medical team will reply as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than 2 days. The language of the answer will be the same as the question raised, i.e. a question posted in Chinese will be answered in Chinese.
The commencement date will be 19 April 2022 (Tuesday). This service scheme will tentatively last for 3 months and be reviewed thereafter.
We hope the resources from our alumni can support and help our Wah Yan community navigate through these challenging times.
Stay safe and healthy!
The Medical Fraternity,
Wah Yan College, Kowloon Past Students’ Association
1. The scheme is only available to members of the Wah Yan community, defined as (i) current and retired staff members of WYHK or WYK, (ii) past students of WYHK or WYK, (iii) current students of WYHK or WYK and their parents; and (iv) members of the Society of Jesus in Hong Kong.
2. All information provided under the scheme is for the enquirer’s personal reference and informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and does not constitute medical or other professional advice.
3. Reliance on any information provided under this scheme is solely at the enquirer’s own risk. The organizers accept no responsibility for any injury or loss of property due to any such reliance.
香港華仁書院及九龍華仁書院的舊生會聯同兩校家教會/ 家長會將於四月十九日(星期二)推出「華仁2019冠狀病毒病醫務諮詢計劃」,維時三個月。兩校的舊生會邀請了兩所華仁書院的舊生義務醫生為大家提供有關2019冠狀病毒病的基本醫療資訊。有關計劃所提供的醫療資訊將只限於疫苗和其他預防資訊,以及患者和緊密接觸者的自我照顧,諮詢範圍不包括其他專科及政府政策和法例(例如:隔離令有效時期和執行細節)。
若然你是2019冠狀病毒病患者/緊密接觸者或有關於2019冠狀病的疑問,並希望獲取有關資訊,請以 *WhatsApp 短訊或語音信息* 聯絡以下代表:
Zero Chan: 91859701
Michael Wong: 98302065
Andy Tang: 68512163
1. 本計劃只適用於華仁的一分子,即是(i) 香港華仁或九龍華仁現任和退休員工,(ii) 香港華仁或九龍華仁舊生,(iii) 現正就讀香港華仁或九龍華仁的學生及其父母; 以及(iv)耶穌會於香港的成員。
2. 本計劃下提供的所有資訊僅供查詢者作個人參考用途。有關資訊並不能替代專業的醫療意見、診斷或治療,也不能被視為醫療或其他專業意見。
3. 查詢者須自行承擔依賴本計劃所提供的任何資訊的風險。 本計劃組織團體一概不承擔任何人士因依賴有關資訊而引致的任何傷害或財產損失的責任。