Our 1963 graduates will have their 50th anniversary reunion on 8-9 November 2013. Please visit their website at www.wyk1963reunion.com for more details about their programs. They welcome alumni graduated from other years to join their reunion and celebration too. If you want to join them, please fill in the attached registration form and send to their organizer in accordance with the instructions as set out therein. If you have any enquiries, please contact them by email at [email protected]. Registration form

Our 1963 graduates will have their 50th anniversary reunion on 8-9 November 2013. Please visit their website at www.wyk1963reunion.com for more details about their programs.
They welcome alumni graduated from other years to join their reunion and celebration too. If you want to join them, please fill in the attached registration form and send to their organizer in accordance with the instructions as set out therein.
If you have any enquiries, please contact them by email at [email protected].
Registration form