WYKPSA has received feedback from some alumni, in particular the younger generation, that email may not be the most efficient way to disseminate message to them. In order to further enhance the networking with the alumni, WYKPSA would like to invite you to connect us with Whatsapp. If you would like to receive the messages of WYKPSA through Whatsapp in the future, please send a Whatsapp message to 9161 0630 or send an email to [email protected], setting out your name … Continue reading “Connect with PSA on Whatsapp”
WYKPSA has received feedback from some alumni, in particular the younger generation, that email may not be the most efficient way to disseminate message to them. In order to further enhance the networking with the alumni, WYKPSA would like to invite you to connect us with Whatsapp. If you would like to receive the messages of WYKPSA through Whatsapp in the future, please send a Whatsapp message to 9161 0630 or send an email to [email protected], setting out your name … Continue reading “Connect with PSA on Whatsapp”
The Annual General Meeting of WYKPSA has been held on 1 June 2013 and the Executive Committee Members for the session 2013-14 has been elected. The Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer have been re-elected. The members of the Executive Committee are as follows: Chairman: Raymond Siu (1996) Vice-Chairmen: Alvin Chan (1986), Miro Ng (1996), Alan Lui (1998) Honorary Secretary: Chris Li (2007) Honorary Treasurer: Raymond Chow (1988) Exco Members: Philip Chan (1975), Lau Wai Hung (1975), Lee Yu … Continue reading “Executive Committee Members for the Session 2013-14”
The Annual General Meeting of WYKPSA has been held on 1 June 2013 and the Executive Committee Members for the session 2013-14 has been elected. The Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer have been re-elected. The members of the Executive Committee are as follows: Chairman: Raymond Siu (1996) Vice-Chairmen: Alvin Chan (1986), Miro Ng (1996), Alan Lui (1998) Honorary Secretary: Chris Li (2007) Honorary Treasurer: Raymond Chow (1988) Exco Members: Philip Chan (1975), Lau Wai Hung (1975), Lee Yu … Continue reading “Executive Committee Members for the Session 2013-14”
The Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 1 June 2013 and the details are as follows: Date: 1 June 2013 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: Tung Yuen Seafood Restaurant 東園金閣海鮮酒家 Address: 1/F, 191 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔駱克道191號1樓 Attached please find the Notice of Annual General Meeting, the Reply Slip and the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your reference. Please mark your diary and we look … Continue reading “Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner 2013”
The Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 1 June 2013 and the details are as follows: Date: 1 June 2013 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: Tung Yuen Seafood Restaurant 東園金閣海鮮酒家 Address: 1/F, 191 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔駱克道191號1樓 Attached please find the Notice of Annual General Meeting, the Reply Slip and the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your reference. Please mark your diary and we look … Continue reading “Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner 2013”
Thank you for your support during the session 2012 / 2013! Circular (Issue 20)
Thank you for your support during the session 2012 / 2013! Circular (Issue 20)
In light of the good response on the War Game Fun Day held last month, the Tactical Shooting Group is going to organize another indoor war game CQB fun day on 25 May 2013, details of which are as follows: Date: 25 May 2013 (Saturday) Time: 3:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. War game site: 5/F, Heng Seng Industrial Building, 185 – 187 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Fee: HK$270 including equipment rental HK$190 for self-prepared equipments (Subject to any discount which … Continue reading “Indoor War Game CQB Fun Day”
In light of the good response on the War Game Fun Day held last month, the Tactical Shooting Group is going to organize another indoor war game CQB fun day on 25 May 2013, details of which are as follows: Date: 25 May 2013 (Saturday) Time: 3:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. War game site: 5/F, Heng Seng Industrial Building, 185 – 187 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Fee: HK$270 including equipment rental HK$190 for self-prepared equipments (Subject to any discount which … Continue reading “Indoor War Game CQB Fun Day”
Our school is looking for non-paid job shadowing / attachment positions for current students for the required “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE) in the New Senior Secondary curriculum. Please kind the cover letter from WYK for detail. For interested parties, please return the form attached by 24 May 2013. For enquiry, please contact Mr K K Lee at [email protected]. Let’s offer our help to our School and the current students! Cover letter
Our school is looking for non-paid job shadowing / attachment positions for current students for the required “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE) in the New Senior Secondary curriculum. Please kind the cover letter from WYK for detail. For interested parties, please return the form attached by 24 May 2013. For enquiry, please contact Mr K K Lee at [email protected]. Let’s offer our help to our School and the current students! Cover letter
Our “Grass” Pitch War Game CQB Fun Day Annual General Meeting Circular (Issue 19)
Our “Grass” Pitch War Game CQB Fun Day Annual General Meeting Circular (Issue 19)
We have received a request from the Students’ Association, WYK to distribute the attached appeal for sponsorship form to our alumni. Kindly have a look and let’s offer our assistance to our students! For any enquiries, please contact Ian Lee (9098 4421) or Chris Chan (6607 7165) or [email protected]. Sponsorship form and proposal
We have received a request from the Students’ Association, WYK to distribute the attached appeal for sponsorship form to our alumni. Kindly have a look and let’s offer our assistance to our students! For any enquiries, please contact Ian Lee (9098 4421) or Chris Chan (6607 7165) or [email protected]. Sponsorship form and proposal
The School proposed a grass-pitch reconstruction project and launched a fund-raising appeal. Please see the slideshow for more information. Slideshow
The School proposed a grass-pitch reconstruction project and launched a fund-raising appeal. Please see the slideshow for more information. Slideshow
The DVD and Photo Album of the Alan Tam Fundraising Concert held in December 2012 are about to be released. Attached please find the donation/ order form of Wah Yan One Family Foundation for your reference. Order can also be made online at www.wahyanonefamily.org/concert-2012.html. Donation / order form
The DVD and Photo Album of the Alan Tam Fundraising Concert held in December 2012 are about to be released. Attached please find the donation/ order form of Wah Yan One Family Foundation for your reference. Order can also be made online at www.wahyanonefamily.org/concert-2012.html. Donation / order form