On behalf of WYKPSA, I am pleased to announce and congratulate the Outstanding Students of 2016-17. They are individuals who are recognized and elected among the students of Form 5. I trust all of them have their own character, charm and talents that earn their fellow classmates’ support, respect and trust. I wish them all the best and continue to live up, and carry as role models, with the spirit of Jesuit and Wah Yan – A Man for and … Continue reading “Outstanding Students 2016-17”
On behalf of WYKPSA, I am pleased to announce and congratulate the Outstanding Students of 2016-17. They are individuals who are recognized and elected among the students of Form 5. I trust all of them have their own character, charm and talents that earn their fellow classmates’ support, respect and trust. I wish them all the best and continue to live up, and carry as role models, with the spirit of Jesuit and Wah Yan – A Man for and … Continue reading “Outstanding Students 2016-17”
Fun Fair will be held as a fundraising campaign for Fr Kelly Educational Fund Ltd. Detail as below: Date: 11 February 2017 Time: 10am – 4pm Venue: Wah Yan College, Kowloon (56 Waterloo Road) WYK Student’s Association
Fun Fair will be held as a fundraising campaign for Fr Kelly Educational Fund Ltd. Detail as below: Date: 11 February 2017 Time: 10am – 4pm Venue: Wah Yan College, Kowloon (56 Waterloo Road) WYK Student’s Association
To celebrate 90th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Jesuits in Hong Kong, the Society of Jesus Hong Kong Ricci Community (Chinese Province) will hold a mass at St. Ignatius Chapel, WYK at 3pm on Saturday, 3 December 2016. R.S.V.P. Email: [email protected] Tel: 2981 0342 (Ms Chan) Invitation
To celebrate 90th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Jesuits in Hong Kong, the Society of Jesus Hong Kong Ricci Community (Chinese Province) will hold a mass at St. Ignatius Chapel, WYK at 3pm on Saturday, 3 December 2016. R.S.V.P. Email: [email protected] Tel: 2981 0342 (Ms Chan) Invitation
每年兩所母校都會為各位同學及家長,提供專業的升學及就業輔導服務,裨能讓同學從多方面考慮及計劃自己的前途取向,亦冀望可以幫助同學舒緩考試升學壓力。為此,兩華舊生會,港華家教會及九華家長會亦希望可以略盡綿力,舉辦一個專業、輕鬆又 貼身的 "升學及就業發展經驗分享會",特意邀請幾位事業有成的兩華校友及清華大學 校友,與各位同學和家長暢談考試、選校及入職經趣事及經驗。詳情如下: 日期:2016年11月16日(星期三) 時間:晚上7時正 地點:九龍華仁書院學生活動中心 (Student Activities Centre) 7:00 醫學界校友經驗分享 7:25 法律界校友及清華大學校友經驗分享 7:40 金融界校友經驗分享 8:00 答問及交流 8:30 茶點招待 出席講者包括: 前香港衛生防護處主任曾浩輝醫生 (WYHK83) 張廖律師事務所資深律師陳耀彬校友 (WYK84) 腎病科專科醫生梁基泰醫生 (WYK88) 醫管局內科部副顧問醫生張志遠醫生 (WYK87) 清華大學校友李浩然律師 金融界校友等等 講者將會在輕鬆平實的氛圍下,與各位分享他們升學及人生路途上的寶貴經驗,務求 為大家提供有用、貼心的選科就業資料作參考。特此誠邀 各位同學及家長踴躍參加,請於11月9日或之前填妥下列表格,電郵至[email protected] 報名出席。查詢請致電9321 6011聯絡。 參加表格
每年兩所母校都會為各位同學及家長,提供專業的升學及就業輔導服務,裨能讓同學從多方面考慮及計劃自己的前途取向,亦冀望可以幫助同學舒緩考試升學壓力。為此,兩華舊生會,港華家教會及九華家長會亦希望可以略盡綿力,舉辦一個專業、輕鬆又 貼身的 "升學及就業發展經驗分享會",特意邀請幾位事業有成的兩華校友及清華大學 校友,與各位同學和家長暢談考試、選校及入職經趣事及經驗。詳情如下: 日期:2016年11月16日(星期三) 時間:晚上7時正 地點:九龍華仁書院學生活動中心 (Student Activities Centre) 7:00 醫學界校友經驗分享 7:25 法律界校友及清華大學校友經驗分享 7:40 金融界校友經驗分享 8:00 答問及交流 8:30 茶點招待 出席講者包括: 前香港衛生防護處主任曾浩輝醫生 (WYHK83) 張廖律師事務所資深律師陳耀彬校友 (WYK84) 腎病科專科醫生梁基泰醫生 (WYK88) 醫管局內科部副顧問醫生張志遠醫生 (WYK87) 清華大學校友李浩然律師 金融界校友等等 講者將會在輕鬆平實的氛圍下,與各位分享他們升學及人生路途上的寶貴經驗,務求 為大家提供有用、貼心的選科就業資料作參考。特此誠邀 各位同學及家長踴躍參加,請於11月9日或之前填妥下列表格,電郵至[email protected] 報名出席。查詢請致電9321 6011聯絡。 參加表格
Please see the letter from Fr Kelly Educational Fund Ltd Management Committee of the fund raising campaign background. I strongly encourage all WYK-nites to play a part of this campaign by acting and spreading the words. We all can help and contribute. I see passion from our beloved Fathers, Principal, teachers, parents and students to make this a memorable campaign. I hope you as a past student would also show the same spirit. Spread it out to your class, profession … Continue reading “Fund-raising Campaign 2016-17 for Fr Kelly Educational Fund”
Please see the letter from Fr Kelly Educational Fund Ltd Management Committee of the fund raising campaign background. I strongly encourage all WYK-nites to play a part of this campaign by acting and spreading the words. We all can help and contribute. I see passion from our beloved Fathers, Principal, teachers, parents and students to make this a memorable campaign. I hope you as a past student would also show the same spirit. Spread it out to your class, profession … Continue reading “Fund-raising Campaign 2016-17 for Fr Kelly Educational Fund”
Up to 9 July 2016, only one valid registration for WYK Alumni Manager election 2016, which is filed by Mr. Ho Siu Tong Tom (1981 F.5 graduate), has been received by the Election Committee of WYKPSA. According to the election regulation, in the event that there is only one eligible candidate to run for the election, that candidate will be automatically elected as Alumni Manager. The election result has been formally endorsed by the WYKPSA Executive Committee during the ordinary … Continue reading “Result of Election of WYK Incoporated Management Committee Alumni Manager”
Up to 9 July 2016, only one valid registration for WYK Alumni Manager election 2016, which is filed by Mr. Ho Siu Tong Tom (1981 F.5 graduate), has been received by the Election Committee of WYKPSA. According to the election regulation, in the event that there is only one eligible candidate to run for the election, that candidate will be automatically elected as Alumni Manager. The election result has been formally endorsed by the WYKPSA Executive Committee during the ordinary … Continue reading “Result of Election of WYK Incoporated Management Committee Alumni Manager”
Introduction The members of the Incorporated Management Committee of Wah Yan College Kowloon (the “WYKIMC”) comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). As resolved by the WYKIMC, Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”) has been recognized as the alumni association for the purpose of nominating alumni manager. Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of the Association, the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager of WYK Incorporated Management Committee”
Introduction The members of the Incorporated Management Committee of Wah Yan College Kowloon (the “WYKIMC”) comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). As resolved by the WYKIMC, Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”) has been recognized as the alumni association for the purpose of nominating alumni manager. Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of the Association, the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager of WYK Incorporated Management Committee”
The 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 28 May 2016 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 28 May 2016 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form below for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA … Continue reading “46th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”
The 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 28 May 2016 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 28 May 2016 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form below for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA … Continue reading “46th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”
A limited edition DVD plus photo album of the Homecoming Concert (1,000 pieces only) is ready now as memorabilia of the precious and happy moments of the event. It is available for a donation of HK$350 each or above. Whether you attended or missed the Concert, it is the best way to remember and share how Wahyanites and friends of Wah Yan joined hands to help our Schools. We appeal to you to make your gift now by returning the … Continue reading “90/95th Anniversaries Concert DVD”
A limited edition DVD plus photo album of the Homecoming Concert (1,000 pieces only) is ready now as memorabilia of the precious and happy moments of the event. It is available for a donation of HK$350 each or above. Whether you attended or missed the Concert, it is the best way to remember and share how Wahyanites and friends of Wah Yan joined hands to help our Schools. We appeal to you to make your gift now by returning the … Continue reading “90/95th Anniversaries Concert DVD”
The Past Students’ Association will organise a sharing session in late February for alumni parents who have applied Wah Yan College Kowloon for their sons currently studying in Primary Six. Should you wish to join this session, please email your personal information (i.e., full name and year of F. 5 graduation) and contact details (e.g., mobile phone number) to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] before noon, 25 February. We will contact you shortly. … Continue reading “Sharing Session on Admission”
The Past Students’ Association will organise a sharing session in late February for alumni parents who have applied Wah Yan College Kowloon for their sons currently studying in Primary Six. Should you wish to join this session, please email your personal information (i.e., full name and year of F. 5 graduation) and contact details (e.g., mobile phone number) to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] before noon, 25 February. We will contact you shortly. … Continue reading “Sharing Session on Admission”