Posted on 2012-09-06Categories WYKPSA

Let’s share our old photos of WYK!齊來分享我們的集體回憶!

Let’s share our old photos of WYK! If you have any old photos about WYK and want to share with other alumni, please send the same with a simple description by email to [email protected] or by Whatsapp at 9208 8374 or by Facebook message. We will upload them on our Facebook page and our website! Poster

Let’s share our old photos of WYK! If you have any old photos about WYK and want to share with other alumni, please send the same with a simple description by email to [email protected] or by Whatsapp at 9208 8374 or by Facebook message. We will upload them on our Facebook page and our website! Poster

Posted on 2012-08-31Categories WYK, WYKPSA

Election of Alumni Manager – Voter Registration校友校董選舉 – 選民登記

Introduction According to the existing arrangement, the members of the School Management Committee of Wah Yan College Kowloon comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”), the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal suffrage. Election The term of the new Alumni Manager shall commence on 1 November 2012 and the election … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager – Voter Registration校友校董選舉 – 選民登記”

Introduction According to the existing arrangement, the members of the School Management Committee of Wah Yan College Kowloon comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”), the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal suffrage. Election The term of the new Alumni Manager shall commence on 1 November 2012 and the election … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager – Voter Registration校友校董選舉 – 選民登記”

Posted on 2012-08-23Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 5

International Conference 2012 20th Anniversary of 1997 F.5 Graduates Student Ambassadors in Ontario, Canada What’s Next? Circular (Issue 5)

International Conference 2012 20th Anniversary of 1997 F.5 Graduates Student Ambassadors in Ontario, Canada What’s Next? Circular (Issue 5)

Posted on 2012-08-01Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 4

Visit to Cathay Pacific City Financial Services Interest Group Gathering Victory of the WYK Choir What’s next? Circular (Issue 4)

Visit to Cathay Pacific City Financial Services Interest Group Gathering Victory of the WYK Choir What’s next? Circular (Issue 4)

Posted on 2012-07-07Categories WYKPSA

Visit to Cathay Pacific City

WYKPSA will organize a visit to Cathay Pacific City, details of which are as follows: Date: 7 July 2012 (Saturday) Time: 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Venue: Cathay Pacific City, Chek Lap Kok Visit is free of charge. For any enquiry, please contact Connie at 2384 1038. For registration, please send an email to [email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME! REGISTER NOW!

WYKPSA will organize a visit to Cathay Pacific City, details of which are as follows: Date: 7 July 2012 (Saturday) Time: 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Venue: Cathay Pacific City, Chek Lap Kok Visit is free of charge. For any enquiry, please contact Connie at 2384 1038. For registration, please send an email to [email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME! REGISTER NOW!

Posted on 2012-07-03Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular Issue 3

Professional Interest Group Form 6 Graduation Dinner Non-JUPAS Talk What’s Next? (Forthcoming activities) And more! Circular (Issue 3)

Professional Interest Group Form 6 Graduation Dinner Non-JUPAS Talk What’s Next? (Forthcoming activities) And more! Circular (Issue 3)

Posted on 2012-06-19Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular Issue 2

Visit to Cathay Pacific City Medical alumni gathering Dinner with the school management Form 7 graduation dinner And more! Circular (Issue 2)

Visit to Cathay Pacific City Medical alumni gathering Dinner with the school management Form 7 graduation dinner And more! Circular (Issue 2)

Posted on 2012-06-05Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular Issue 1

The first WYKPSA Circular has been published! This issue covers the following topics: Annual General Meeting 13th Wah Yan International Conference 42-year Old documents of incorporation WYK2000 has been crowned champion of Wah Yan Soccer League Circular (Issue 1)

The first WYKPSA Circular has been published! This issue covers the following topics: Annual General Meeting 13th Wah Yan International Conference 42-year Old documents of incorporation WYK2000 has been crowned champion of Wah Yan Soccer League Circular (Issue 1)

Posted on 2012-05-26Categories WYKPSA

Annual General Meeting 2012

The 42nd Annual General Meeting of Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association Limited will be held at 6:30 p.m. on 26th May 2012 (Saturday) at the Tung Yuen Seafood Restaurant (東園金閣海鮮酒家), 1/F, 191 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (香港灣仔駱克道191號1樓). Please find the agenda, reply slip and Exco nomination form below. Agenda | Reply Slip | Nomination Form Post-Signum | Financial Statements | List of Nominees

The 42nd Annual General Meeting of Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association Limited will be held at 6:30 p.m. on 26th May 2012 (Saturday) at the Tung Yuen Seafood Restaurant (東園金閣海鮮酒家), 1/F, 191 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (香港灣仔駱克道191號1樓). Please find the agenda, reply slip and Exco nomination form below. Agenda | Reply Slip | Nomination Form Post-Signum | Financial Statements | List of Nominees