Posted on 2016-05-05Categories WYKPSA

46th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner

The 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 28 May 2016 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 28 May 2016 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form below for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA … Continue reading “46th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

The 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 28 May 2016 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 28 May 2016 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form below for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA … Continue reading “46th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

Posted on 2016-02-22Categories WYK, WYKPSA

Sharing Session on Admission

The Past Students’ Association will organise a sharing session in late February for alumni parents who have applied Wah Yan College Kowloon for their sons currently studying in Primary Six. Should you wish to join this session, please email your personal information (i.e., full name and year of F. 5 graduation) and contact details (e.g., mobile phone number) to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] before noon, 25 February. We will contact you shortly. … Continue reading “Sharing Session on Admission”

The Past Students’ Association will organise a sharing session in late February for alumni parents who have applied Wah Yan College Kowloon for their sons currently studying in Primary Six. Should you wish to join this session, please email your personal information (i.e., full name and year of F. 5 graduation) and contact details (e.g., mobile phone number) to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] before noon, 25 February. We will contact you shortly. … Continue reading “Sharing Session on Admission”

Posted on 2016-01-11Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular (2015-16 Vol.2)

Obituary – Fr. Anthony Farren, S.J. Mass of Commemoration for the 10th Anniversary of the passing away of Mr Francis Kong Fund-raising Movie Show Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers Student Ambassador Scheme 17th Wah Yan League Football Tournament Old Boys Choir Performance Circular (2015-16 Vol.2)

Obituary – Fr. Anthony Farren, S.J. Mass of Commemoration for the 10th Anniversary of the passing away of Mr Francis Kong Fund-raising Movie Show Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers Student Ambassador Scheme 17th Wah Yan League Football Tournament Old Boys Choir Performance Circular (2015-16 Vol.2)

Posted on 2015-11-15Categories WYKPSA


九龍華仁書院校園歷史悠久,校舍布局及建築風格樸實而優美,素來吸引不少電影製作人員的垂青,選擇借用校園取景拍攝。繼1959年的《青春兒女》以及1975年的《大家樂》之後,剛上映的《哪一天我們會飛》再次選取了九龍華仁書院校園作為拍攝場地。《哪一天我們會飛》的內容圍繞故事主角中學時代的生活,當中不少場面均會令曾於九華就讀的各位帶來共鳴。為使不同屆別的華仁仔有機會聚首一堂,欣賞本齣影片,九龍華仁書院舊生會特此安排一場電影欣賞會,並已邀請到本片監製陳心遙校友(’91)與本片演員蒞臨分享拍攝過程的體會。 正因為九華校舍歷史悠久,校園內部份設施日趨破舊,急需我們鼎力協助以重建修理,例如2014年重建的草地足球場及更衣室等。新落成的校園設施能為我們的同學提供更優質的教學環境。校園主樓內通往3樓神父宿舍的升降機已有多年歷史,今年屢見故障,加上宿舍內耶穌會神父年事已高,部份更是行動不便,重新安置主樓內的升降機迫在眉睫。校方為此特於本年9月透過本會發放電郵予各位校友募捐,期望能藉著是次活動籌到所需的資金,幫助校方使工程盡快展開。 舊生會希望藉著此次電影欣賞會,為母校以及耶穌會神父多出一分力,所有收益扣除成本後將全數捐贈予九龍華仁書院作重新安裝主樓升降機之用,希望各位校友能鼎力支持。放映會詳情如下: 日期:2015年11月28日(星期六) 時間:晚上7時30分 地點:The Grand Cinema, Elements (九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西一號) 票價:HK$500,HK$1,000 (先到先得,售完即止) 門票:11月28日晚上6時起於戲院接待處領取 謹附上門票訂購及捐款表格,如有垂詢,請致電9326-7828與本會秘書湯柏健 (’01) 聯絡。 門票訂購及捐款表格 | 《哪一天我們會飛》正式版預告片

九龍華仁書院校園歷史悠久,校舍布局及建築風格樸實而優美,素來吸引不少電影製作人員的垂青,選擇借用校園取景拍攝。繼1959年的《青春兒女》以及1975年的《大家樂》之後,剛上映的《哪一天我們會飛》再次選取了九龍華仁書院校園作為拍攝場地。《哪一天我們會飛》的內容圍繞故事主角中學時代的生活,當中不少場面均會令曾於九華就讀的各位帶來共鳴。為使不同屆別的華仁仔有機會聚首一堂,欣賞本齣影片,九龍華仁書院舊生會特此安排一場電影欣賞會,並已邀請到本片監製陳心遙校友(’91)與本片演員蒞臨分享拍攝過程的體會。 正因為九華校舍歷史悠久,校園內部份設施日趨破舊,急需我們鼎力協助以重建修理,例如2014年重建的草地足球場及更衣室等。新落成的校園設施能為我們的同學提供更優質的教學環境。校園主樓內通往3樓神父宿舍的升降機已有多年歷史,今年屢見故障,加上宿舍內耶穌會神父年事已高,部份更是行動不便,重新安置主樓內的升降機迫在眉睫。校方為此特於本年9月透過本會發放電郵予各位校友募捐,期望能藉著是次活動籌到所需的資金,幫助校方使工程盡快展開。 舊生會希望藉著此次電影欣賞會,為母校以及耶穌會神父多出一分力,所有收益扣除成本後將全數捐贈予九龍華仁書院作重新安裝主樓升降機之用,希望各位校友能鼎力支持。放映會詳情如下: 日期:2015年11月28日(星期六) 時間:晚上7時30分 地點:The Grand Cinema, Elements (九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西一號) 票價:HK$500,HK$1,000 (先到先得,售完即止) 門票:11月28日晚上6時起於戲院接待處領取 謹附上門票訂購及捐款表格,如有垂詢,請致電9326-7828與本會秘書湯柏健 (’01) 聯絡。 門票訂購及捐款表格 | 《哪一天我們會飛》正式版預告片

Posted on 2015-09-17Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 70

Annual General Meeting 2015 90th/95th Anniversary Celebration Homecoming Concert 2015 16th Wah Yan Football League Cup Birthday Celebration for Jesuit Fathers Tree Collapse WYK Alumni Dragon Boat Team Annual General Meeting – Australia Chapter WYK Legal Fraternity Gathering WYK Tennis Celebration Dinner Football Interest Group Newsletter 70

Annual General Meeting 2015 90th/95th Anniversary Celebration Homecoming Concert 2015 16th Wah Yan Football League Cup Birthday Celebration for Jesuit Fathers Tree Collapse WYK Alumni Dragon Boat Team Annual General Meeting – Australia Chapter WYK Legal Fraternity Gathering WYK Tennis Celebration Dinner Football Interest Group Newsletter 70

Posted on 2015-05-04Categories WYKPSA

45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner

The 45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 30 May 2015 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 30 May 2015 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Attached please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your further action. Please mark your … Continue reading “45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

The 45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 30 May 2015 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 30 May 2015 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 p.m. (AGM) / 7:30 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Attached please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your further action. Please mark your … Continue reading “45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

Posted on 2015-04-22Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 69

Jesuit Education Forum Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers Anniversary Concert Alumni Gathering What’s Next? Wine Dinner 2015 Annual General Meeting Newsletter Vol 69

Jesuit Education Forum Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers Anniversary Concert Alumni Gathering What’s Next? Wine Dinner 2015 Annual General Meeting Newsletter Vol 69

Posted on 2015-03-02Categories WYK, WYKPSA

F.1 Admission Talk for Wahyanites

There will be a sharing session on information for F.1 application on 11 March 2015 (Wednesday).  Please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] if any alumni would like to join. Please indicate your name and year of graduation.

There will be a sharing session on information for F.1 application on 11 March 2015 (Wednesday).  Please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] if any alumni would like to join. Please indicate your name and year of graduation.

Posted on 2015-02-26Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 68

90th Anniversary Open Days Jesuit Education Forum 2015 Wah Yan One Family Marathon 2015 Inter-School Athletic Meet Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers F.1 Admission Talk What’s Next? – Anniversary Concert Newsletter 68

90th Anniversary Open Days Jesuit Education Forum 2015 Wah Yan One Family Marathon 2015 Inter-School Athletic Meet Birthday Party for Jesuit Fathers F.1 Admission Talk What’s Next? – Anniversary Concert Newsletter 68

Posted on 2014-12-31Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular 67

Gratitude Dinner 2014 International Conference Coming Anniversary Events Friendly Football Match Speech Day 2014 Update from Wah Yan Circular (Issue 67)

Gratitude Dinner 2014 International Conference Coming Anniversary Events Friendly Football Match Speech Day 2014 Update from Wah Yan Circular (Issue 67)