The Tactical Shooting Group is going to organize a war game fun day on 28 April 2013, details of which are as follows: Date: 28 April 2013 (Sunday) Time: 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. War game site: 元朗逢吉鄉 (Coach will be arranged) Gathering point: 理想酒店, Kowloon Tong Please refer to the website below for the details of the war game site: Fee: $260 for equipment rental 租用裝備包括:訓練課程費用、第三者意外保險、軍服、護目、電動氣槍一支(M-16, M-16VN, AK-47β, AK-47, M-177, MP5, CAR- 15, HK-51, MP5K, MP5SD6, MP5KA4)、2000發6mm BB彈、午膳餐盒 $160 … Continue reading “War Game Fun Day”
The Tactical Shooting Group is going to organize a war game fun day on 28 April 2013, details of which are as follows: Date: 28 April 2013 (Sunday) Time: 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. War game site: 元朗逢吉鄉 (Coach will be arranged) Gathering point: 理想酒店, Kowloon Tong Please refer to the website below for the details of the war game site: Fee: $260 for equipment rental 租用裝備包括:訓練課程費用、第三者意外保險、軍服、護目、電動氣槍一支(M-16, M-16VN, AK-47β, AK-47, M-177, MP5, CAR- 15, HK-51, MP5K, MP5SD6, MP5KA4)、2000發6mm BB彈、午膳餐盒 $160 … Continue reading “War Game Fun Day”