Posted on 2009-03-02Categories Announcement

Letter from Mrs Cheung

Mrs. Cheung (Chung Pan’s mother) wrote us a letter this Monday. You will find out the recovery progress of Chung Pan, his second surgery, and what will happen to him later on. Letter

Mrs. Cheung (Chung Pan’s mother) wrote us a letter this Monday. You will find out the recovery progress of Chung Pan, his second surgery, and what will happen to him later on. Letter

Posted on 2009-01-21Categories Announcement

Message from Cheung Chung Pan’s Mother

令人尊敬的周神父、受人尊重的蘇校長暨香港華仁舊生會、九龍華仁舊生會、家長會: 大家好!春節很快到了,願大家在新的一年身體健康,萬事如意! 今天仲斌要做第二次手術,因為膝蓋後面植下的皮掉下,露出像一張個人名片大的傷口滲血,同時要割掉長在腳背及腳踝周圍像釋迦似的角質肉牙,這些部位都要重新植皮。是昨天晚上十點半後院長巡房才決定的。十二點開始禁飲食了。 請大家放心。過去我以為划船打鼓都一雙手的,現在,划船有周神父,蘇校長,朱 sir,打鼓有整個華仁同仁。第一次手術成功切除掉38.5公斤,是神的力量及大家的幫忙和支持。這次,我們會更加勇敢地面對一切。希望繼續得到你們的幫忙與支持,手術成功後再向大家匯報。祝福各位: 喜樂平安! 健康常在!

令人尊敬的周神父、受人尊重的蘇校長暨香港華仁舊生會、九龍華仁舊生會、家長會: 大家好!春節很快到了,願大家在新的一年身體健康,萬事如意! 今天仲斌要做第二次手術,因為膝蓋後面植下的皮掉下,露出像一張個人名片大的傷口滲血,同時要割掉長在腳背及腳踝周圍像釋迦似的角質肉牙,這些部位都要重新植皮。是昨天晚上十點半後院長巡房才決定的。十二點開始禁飲食了。 請大家放心。過去我以為划船打鼓都一雙手的,現在,划船有周神父,蘇校長,朱 sir,打鼓有整個華仁同仁。第一次手術成功切除掉38.5公斤,是神的力量及大家的幫忙和支持。這次,我們會更加勇敢地面對一切。希望繼續得到你們的幫忙與支持,手術成功後再向大家匯報。祝福各位: 喜樂平安! 健康常在!

Posted on 2009-01-15Categories Announcement

Letter from Cheung Chung Pan’s Parents

Chung Pan’s parents wrote us a letter talking about their son. Chung Pan will have a small surgery. Read the letter for further detail. Letter

Chung Pan’s parents wrote us a letter talking about their son. Chung Pan will have a small surgery. Read the letter for further detail. Letter

Posted on 2009-01-13Categories WYK


致: 各九龍華仁書院舊生 檢討校董會校友代表選舉制度 校本條例是香港特別行政區立法會於2004年7月通過的《2004年教育(修訂)條例》內的一項教育統籌局政策。政策規定全港中學及小學,必須在2010年前成立向政府註冊的法團校董會,並加入由選舉產生的家長、教師及校友代表。辦學團體代表,將減至佔校董會總人數的60%,學校亦必須列明法團校董會的權力和責任。 現時舊生會實行的校董會校友代表選舉制度於多年前由執行委員會制定,因應校本條例的實施,現時有檢討的必要。 於2008年6月本屆舊生會第一次執行委員會的例會中,執行委員會通過成立校董會校友代表選舉制度檢討委員會,就校董會校友代表選舉制度進行檢討工作。 現附上校董會校友代表選舉制度候選人資格、提名程序、投票人資格及投票方法諮詢文件及諮詢問卷,供各位參閱。就校董會校友代表選舉制度候選人資格、提名程序、投票人資格及投票方法的意見,請於2009年2月27日或之前送往諮詢文件中所指定的地址/ 電子郵箱/ 傳真號碼。 如各位欲與本人聯絡,請致電9208 8374。謝謝! 蕭鎮邦 副主席兼 校董會校友代表選舉制度檢討委員會召集人 諮詢文件

致: 各九龍華仁書院舊生 檢討校董會校友代表選舉制度 校本條例是香港特別行政區立法會於2004年7月通過的《2004年教育(修訂)條例》內的一項教育統籌局政策。政策規定全港中學及小學,必須在2010年前成立向政府註冊的法團校董會,並加入由選舉產生的家長、教師及校友代表。辦學團體代表,將減至佔校董會總人數的60%,學校亦必須列明法團校董會的權力和責任。 現時舊生會實行的校董會校友代表選舉制度於多年前由執行委員會制定,因應校本條例的實施,現時有檢討的必要。 於2008年6月本屆舊生會第一次執行委員會的例會中,執行委員會通過成立校董會校友代表選舉制度檢討委員會,就校董會校友代表選舉制度進行檢討工作。 現附上校董會校友代表選舉制度候選人資格、提名程序、投票人資格及投票方法諮詢文件及諮詢問卷,供各位參閱。就校董會校友代表選舉制度候選人資格、提名程序、投票人資格及投票方法的意見,請於2009年2月27日或之前送往諮詢文件中所指定的地址/ 電子郵箱/ 傳真號碼。 如各位欲與本人聯絡,請致電9208 8374。謝謝! 蕭鎮邦 副主席兼 校董會校友代表選舉制度檢討委員會召集人 諮詢文件

Posted on 2008-12-04Categories Announcement

Letter from Cheung Chung Pan’s Mother

Cheung Chung Pan’s mother wrote us a letter about Chung Pan’s recent situation. His recovery is satisfactory and moved from I.C.U. to ward on Thursday. Letter

Cheung Chung Pan’s mother wrote us a letter about Chung Pan’s recent situation. His recovery is satisfactory and moved from I.C.U. to ward on Thursday. Letter

Posted on 2008-11-29Categories Announcement

Cheung Chung Pan’s Surgery was Very Successful

Cheung Chung Pan’s surgery on Friday was very successful. Fr. Stephen Chow and Mr. Norman So told us this good news from their open letters. Dear all, Thanks to your support and prayers. I just heard from Fr. Stephen Chow that Chung Pan underwent a very successful surgery this morning and the doctors were satisfied with the outcome. We are given to understand that the tissues in his leg are functioning well and a total recovery (apart from the toes … Continue reading “Cheung Chung Pan’s Surgery was Very Successful”

Cheung Chung Pan’s surgery on Friday was very successful. Fr. Stephen Chow and Mr. Norman So told us this good news from their open letters. Dear all, Thanks to your support and prayers. I just heard from Fr. Stephen Chow that Chung Pan underwent a very successful surgery this morning and the doctors were satisfied with the outcome. We are given to understand that the tissues in his leg are functioning well and a total recovery (apart from the toes … Continue reading “Cheung Chung Pan’s Surgery was Very Successful”

Posted on 2008-11-26Categories Announcement

Cheung Chung Pan will have Surgery this Friday

Cheung Chung Pan’s parents wrote us a letter about his latest situation and treatment he is receiving. His surgery will be proceeded in the morning on 28 November. Please pray for him. Letter

Cheung Chung Pan’s parents wrote us a letter about his latest situation and treatment he is receiving. His surgery will be proceeded in the morning on 28 November. Please pray for him. Letter

Posted on 2008-11-20Categories Announcement

Letter from Cheung Chung Pan’s Parents

Cheung Chung Pan’s parents wrote an open letter to us, expressing their gratitute and talking about Chung Pan’s situation after arrival in Taiwan. Letter

Cheung Chung Pan’s parents wrote an open letter to us, expressing their gratitute and talking about Chung Pan’s situation after arrival in Taiwan. Letter

Posted on 2008-11-15Categories WYKPSA

“Arts and Life” Interest Group Launched

A WYKPSA interest group “Arts and Life” has been set up by a group of arts fanatics. Our kickoff activity will be film screening “Movies on the Mind”. Join us now by simply signing up our facebook group from the link below. Facebook

A WYKPSA interest group “Arts and Life” has been set up by a group of arts fanatics. Our kickoff activity will be film screening “Movies on the Mind”. Join us now by simply signing up our facebook group from the link below. Facebook