Posted on 2018-09-24Categories WYKPSA

Update on Fr Naylor

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, We would like to keep update about Fr Naylor. He is still suffering from pneumonia which is caused by the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ). For Fr Naylor and your safety, please pay attention to the followings while visit. 1) Do wear a surgical mask 
2) Wash your hand before and after the visit
 3) No food or drinks, even one drop of water 
4) … Continue reading “Update on Fr Naylor”

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, We would like to keep update about Fr Naylor. He is still suffering from pneumonia which is caused by the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ). For Fr Naylor and your safety, please pay attention to the followings while visit. 1) Do wear a surgical mask 
2) Wash your hand before and after the visit
 3) No food or drinks, even one drop of water 
4) … Continue reading “Update on Fr Naylor”

Posted on 2018-09-15Categories WYKPSA

Update on Fr Naylor

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, Fr Naylor is transferred to the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Medical Centre inside Kwong Wah Hospital, 4/F, Room 5, Bed no. 1. Visiting hour is from 6pm to 8pm. Please keep praying for Fr Naylor. 魏志立神父現轉到廣華醫院內的余振強紀念醫療中心4樓,5號房,1號床。探病時間為下午六點至八點。 讓我們為魏神父祈禱。 By : The Nursing Team

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, Fr Naylor is transferred to the Yu Chun Keung Memorial Medical Centre inside Kwong Wah Hospital, 4/F, Room 5, Bed no. 1. Visiting hour is from 6pm to 8pm. Please keep praying for Fr Naylor. 魏志立神父現轉到廣華醫院內的余振強紀念醫療中心4樓,5號房,1號床。探病時間為下午六點至八點。 讓我們為魏神父祈禱。 By : The Nursing Team

Posted on 2018-09-12Categories WYKPSA

Update on Fr Naylor

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, We would like to keep update about Fr Naylor. Confirmed by the doctor, he is suffering from pneumonia which is caused by the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ). For Fr Naylor and your safety, please pay attention to the followings while visit. 1 ) Do wear a surgical mask 2 ) Wash your hand before and after the visit 3 ) No food or drinks, … Continue reading “Update on Fr Naylor”

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Dear all, We would like to keep update about Fr Naylor. Confirmed by the doctor, he is suffering from pneumonia which is caused by the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ). For Fr Naylor and your safety, please pay attention to the followings while visit. 1 ) Do wear a surgical mask 2 ) Wash your hand before and after the visit 3 ) No food or drinks, … Continue reading “Update on Fr Naylor”

Posted on 2018-08-26Categories WYKPSA

Update on Fr Naylor

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Fr Naylor will have an operation at this afternoon. He will be weakened after the operation surely. We hope everyone should NOT visit by 26th ( next Monday ) to avoid further risk of infection or complications. Thereafter please wear a surgical mask while visit. 魏志立神父需於今天中午做手術,因為手術後魏神父身體會十分虛弱,我希望各位朋友在本月26日之前,暫時不要到醫院探望他。籍此,希望減少他受感染的機會。同時,各位朋友之後在探訪時請佩帶口罩。希望以上措施可以幫助魏神父渡過難關。 By : The Nursing Team

Following is the latest update on Fr Naylor from the Nursing Team: Fr Naylor will have an operation at this afternoon. He will be weakened after the operation surely. We hope everyone should NOT visit by 26th ( next Monday ) to avoid further risk of infection or complications. Thereafter please wear a surgical mask while visit. 魏志立神父需於今天中午做手術,因為手術後魏神父身體會十分虛弱,我希望各位朋友在本月26日之前,暫時不要到醫院探望他。籍此,希望減少他受感染的機會。同時,各位朋友之後在探訪時請佩帶口罩。希望以上措施可以幫助魏神父渡過難關。 By : The Nursing Team

Posted on 2018-08-15Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular (18-19 Vol. 1)

Words from Chairman, 2018-19 A List of ExCo Members, 2018-19 Alumni Manager Election Retirement Party for Mr. Keung Yiu Ming An Update on Father Naylor’s Health Condition Alumni Sharing F.6 Graduate Dinner Medical Fraternity: Doctors NEED a Break! Education Fraternity: Calling for Members! Sharing the Joy of WYHKPSA AGM cum Dinner Brotherhood Solidarity Obituary – Dr. Stephen Choy WYKPSA Circular (18-19 Vol. 1)

Words from Chairman, 2018-19 A List of ExCo Members, 2018-19 Alumni Manager Election Retirement Party for Mr. Keung Yiu Ming An Update on Father Naylor’s Health Condition Alumni Sharing F.6 Graduate Dinner Medical Fraternity: Doctors NEED a Break! Education Fraternity: Calling for Members! Sharing the Joy of WYHKPSA AGM cum Dinner Brotherhood Solidarity Obituary – Dr. Stephen Choy WYKPSA Circular (18-19 Vol. 1)

Posted on 2018-05-22Categories WYKPSA

48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner

The 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 26 May 2018 (Saturday)and the details are as follows: Date: 26 May 2018 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 8:00 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 According to the Article 30, 31 & 32 of Articles of Association of WYKPSA, every member shall be entitled to vote by person or by proxy. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of … Continue reading “48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

The 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 26 May 2018 (Saturday)and the details are as follows: Date: 26 May 2018 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 8:00 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 According to the Article 30, 31 & 32 of Articles of Association of WYKPSA, every member shall be entitled to vote by person or by proxy. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of … Continue reading “48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

Posted on 2018-05-01Categories WYKPSA

48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner

The 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 26 May 2018 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 26 May 2018 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 8:00 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Attached please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA at in due … Continue reading “48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

The 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Annual Dinner of WYKPSA will be held on 26 May 2018 (Saturday) and the details are as follows: Date: 26 May 2018 (Saturday) Time: 6:30 p.m. (AGM) / 8:00 p.m. (Annual Dinner) Venue: School Hall, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 Attached please find (i) the Notice of Annual General Meeting, (ii) the Reply Slip and (iii) the Executive Committee Member Nomination Form for your further action. Please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! The annual report and the financial statements of WYKPSA will be available on the website of WYKPSA at in due … Continue reading “48th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner”

Posted on 2018-03-12Categories WYK, WYKPSA

Election of Alumni Manager of WYK Incorporated Management Committee

Introduction The members of the Incorporated Management Committee of Wah Yan College, Kowloon (the “WYKIMC”) comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). As resolved by the WYKIMC, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”) has been recognized as the alumni association for the purpose of nominating alumni manager. Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of the Association, the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager of WYK Incorporated Management Committee”

Introduction The members of the Incorporated Management Committee of Wah Yan College, Kowloon (the “WYKIMC”) comprise, inter alia, a representative of the alumni (the “Alumni Manager”). As resolved by the WYKIMC, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Past Students’ Association (the “Association”) has been recognized as the alumni association for the purpose of nominating alumni manager. Pursuant to the resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting 2010 of the Association, the Alumni Manager shall be elected based on the principle of universal … Continue reading “Election of Alumni Manager of WYK Incorporated Management Committee”

Posted on 2018-02-14Categories WYK, WYKPSA

F.1 Admission Talk

WYKPSA will organise a F.1 Admission Talk in early March, and all alumni parents who have applied WYK for their sons to Secondary One (2018 – 2019) are welcome to join. Please email your: (1) full name, (2) year of F.5 graduation and (3) contact details to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] on or before 21 February 2018. We will contact you in due course. WYKPSA F.1 Admission Sub-committee

WYKPSA will organise a F.1 Admission Talk in early March, and all alumni parents who have applied WYK for their sons to Secondary One (2018 – 2019) are welcome to join. Please email your: (1) full name, (2) year of F.5 graduation and (3) contact details to Dr. Lau Wai Hung at [email protected] or Mr. Eric Lai at [email protected] on or before 21 February 2018. We will contact you in due course. WYKPSA F.1 Admission Sub-committee

Posted on 2017-12-20Categories WYKPSA

WYKPSA Circular (17-18 Vol. 2)

Wah Yan League 2016-17, 2017-18 Student Ambassador’s report F1 Orientation Day Legal Fraternity – Gathering Lunch Medical Fraternity – Dinner Finance Fraternity – Happy Hour Student Ambassador Scheme 2017-18 Jesuit Fathers’ Birthday Party Fr. Deignan’s 90th Birthday Celebration Concert CHN New Provincial – Fr. Chow WYKPSA 50th Anniversary New book release by Past Chairman, Mr. Peter Lai (‘75) – “股海良策” WYKPSA Mobile App WYKPSA membership application WYKPSA souvenirs WYKPSA Circular (17-18 Vol. 2)

Wah Yan League 2016-17, 2017-18 Student Ambassador’s report F1 Orientation Day Legal Fraternity – Gathering Lunch Medical Fraternity – Dinner Finance Fraternity – Happy Hour Student Ambassador Scheme 2017-18 Jesuit Fathers’ Birthday Party Fr. Deignan’s 90th Birthday Celebration Concert CHN New Provincial – Fr. Chow WYKPSA 50th Anniversary New book release by Past Chairman, Mr. Peter Lai (‘75) – “股海良策” WYKPSA Mobile App WYKPSA membership application WYKPSA souvenirs WYKPSA Circular (17-18 Vol. 2)