WYKPSA – Alumni Mentorship Program

Dear Wahyanites,

The WYKPSA is pleased to announce the launch of the Alumni Mentorship Program in the coming summer. This initiative aims to provide a bridge between more experienced alumni and recent graduates that are currently studying in universities, with Wahyanites that are more advanced in their careers offering guidance and support to younger brothers.

The Alumni Mentorship Program is crucial for younger Wahyanites, with many of them finding it challenging to plan their career paths due to the lack of current industry insights. Your kind participation will greatly benefit our young Wahyanites in many ways, including:-

1.     Career Navigation: Your insights into navigating career paths will unmask the professional world for our mentees. Your past experience will provide valuable guidance and help mentees carve out their professional journeys.

2.     Skills Development: Your expertise will help mentees understand the critical skills needed in today’s job market and guide their early career development.

3.     Networking Opportunities: Your professional connections can provide mentees with access to networking opportunities, potentially leading to internships and job placements.

We also appreciate the inclusion of any job shadowing opportunities, regardless of duration, as these provide our young brothers with a realistic experience of daily professional activities and enhance their competitiveness in the job market.

This Program will officially begin in early July, but the timing for mentor-mentee interactions is flexible. We encourage all kinds of engaging activities to enrich your mentor-mentee relationships, such as, coffee chats, company visits and leisure activities.

Once again, your kind participation in this Program would be greatly appreciated. We are confident that your engagement in this initiative will provide positive impacts to the next generation and strengthen the bonding in our Wah Yan community. If you are interested in joining this Program, please fill in the Google form below.

For mentors:https://forms.gle/uEbeDChXKBLzS4D16
For mentees:https://forms.gle/1zR6dfascyqgRLcVA

For enquiries, please contact Thomas Kwan ’22 (97087351) or Howard Ngan ’22 (69356255). We look forward to welcoming you in the Program.
